"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Beginnings...

Welcome to Katie and I's new blog! Katie was so excited to start a blog that she just grabbed the computer from me, mid facebook session, and just started going crazy!! Well, I suppose I should start us off by saying that as of December 24th, 2009, we are engaged! :D I know how much you all want to hear the story so here goes...

First of all, it was cold! 35 degrees and crazy windy. I sent Katie all over Magnolia, Tomball, and the Woodlands on a fun, romantic scavenger hunt. I had to recruit Katie's sister Holly to get Katie out of the house so I could drop off the first two clues, but Katie decided she didn't want to go on a walk because "she wasn't in the mood." I think my heart stopped for a second...but Holly pulled it off, I swooped in like a ninja, and was on my merry way. Katie traveled from her house, to the church where we first met, to a park at an elementary school, and all the way out to the Woodlands! From there she picked up a clue and gift from P.F. Changs, then over to Tinseltown, and then out to the Christmas tree on the river walk where I was freezing, I mean, waiting. By the time Katie got there, I couldn't feel my hands and was honestly worried that I wouldn't be able to open up the box that her ring was in, but I pulled it off, she said yes, there were many tears, alot of laughs, and then we went on to warm up in a wonderful Italian restaurant in which we stuffed our faces.

The End

So now we are finishing up our schooling here and preparing to move off to Lubbock! We are slowly planning tidbits of the wedding, which will most likely be in December of 2011, so mark your calendars! Katie will also be posting on this blog so expect much more fun to come! Enjoy the engagement pics!

Photos Courtesy of Jordan Wrobleske


Jordan Wrobleske said...

This blog is super exciting. I hope you do have the wedding in December because I will be home for that! (If you invite me that is!) But either way, good move on making the blog! :]

Emily A. Blasik said...

I'm so glad you guys have a blog! Now I can keep up with your lives! Congratulations to you both. :D