"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can I just pass Go and collect my 200 dollars?

Hey everyone! This is Nick, and unfortunately, I have some bad news to share with all of you....school has started again. I know, it's a tragedy. But, this is my last semester at Lonestar, and Katie graduates in May from A&M, so there is some good news for all of you! So like I said, school started up again on Tuesday, and I must say, this semester is looking pretty tough. I'm taking two psychology classes, a philosophy class, a second world history class, and an 8 A.M. weight lifting class. I say the time of my weight class to emphasize that it is 8 in the morning. I'm really not sure what I was thinking when I signed up for that to be honest. Oh well, I need to gain some weight anyways.

For those of you who don't know me inside and out, I have recently discovered a love for the guitar about 10 months ago. Well in September I started teaching guitar lessons to my 11 year old neighbor, and about 3 weeks ago, I guess his mom decided to spread the word, because one of the women I work with said her son would also love to learn the guitar! So I said sure, and as I was telling her about how I teach my lessons, another lady overheard us and said that her grandson would ALSO like lessons. So as it stands, I am now about to undertake 3 guitar students after only 10 months of playing the guitar. I have to admit, I'm kind of nervous because I never imagined I would be doing this sort of thing, but on the bright side, this will allow me to start saving for Katie's wedding band that she posted pictures of earlier! God works in mysterious ways right? Well that's about all the news updates I have for today. Oh! Katie and I have now started to undertake the task of creating a guest list. So far I think we are nearing 150 people. A little bigger than we had planned, but we can't help it that we're so popular! :)

So I figured I'd end the blog with this fun fact. This picture was taken at Katie and I's church, 3 years ago. This was the very first day that we met. I found this puppet, thought it looked freakishly like me, so I decided to introduce myself to this pretty blonde girl that just walked into the room in an attempt to be cute. I guess it worked.


Anonymous said...

Aw... That's so cute! ^_^
I wish I could be there. We might be home in time for the wedding. I hope so!!!
~Joy Magnolia (a pen name (you know me!))

JenMcC said...

Awww, that is sweet you remember the day yall first met!! Keep posting stuff! I love to reeeead them!

Anonymous said...
