"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Friday, April 9, 2010

This is Nick again! Today I went up to my old high school to visit with my old theatre teachers Mr. Cottom and Mr. Ballew. For those who don't know, the theatre hall at Tomball High School was where I spent the majority of my high school life! Lots of good memories there. I managed to get a copy of a show I was in my senior year (probably my favorite show I was ever in) called "Noises Off!"

There was a movie made back in the 80's with Christopher Reeve, Michael Caine, John Ritter, Carol Burnett, and many other great actors and actresses. Well, I was blessed enough to play Christopher Reeve's character who, as you can see, got to run around with his pants down! It was all great fun. Just wanted to share the good news! One of these days I'll get Katie to actually post in this blog again, I'm sure you're all tired of hearing from me so much. :P


Katie said...

Hey, quit taking over our blog!

<3 Katie

Katie said...
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Anonymous said...

This is ballew... come see my new school