"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Please be praying...

Nick is going to Whitney Church of Christ this weekend to meet with their elders and lead Sunday morning youth class. If everything goes well, he could possibly be their intern for the summer. It would be such a great opportunity for him, and I know he would love to spend his summer loving on some kiddos! Please pray for Nick as he drives up there and meets with the church, and also for the whole process in general. We are hoping that it all works out, but if not, I am sure God has great plans for him this summer. Thanks guys!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Change of Plans

So since Nick decided to take over the blog as his own personal diary, I thought I would get on here and tell you all about what is going on with US! Nick went up to Lubbock this past weekend to register for his classes at LCU. Unlike how we had planned, he is not going to be able to take summer school. His advisor worked long and hard to try and find him classes to take, but because of their change in curriculum, it just isn't going to work. As you can imagine, this is pretty upsetting because now we have to be long distance for yet another 3 months (and by long distance...I mean 9 hours of driving long distance!). I am not looking forward to being in Lubbock by myself this summer, but I guess this will be an opportunity for me to really get involved with my OT class and make some new friends.

Because Nick will not be taking summer school, he is now trying to figure out his summer plans. Ideally, he would really like to have an internship somewhere in Texas. I know it is a little late in the game, but he has e-mailed two youth ministers about possible internships, so please keep this in your prayers. Also, if you know of any church that is looking for an intern, let us know! It can be anywhere in Texas, he isn't picky.

On a happier note, I got my registration packet for Tech and I have slowly been completing all of the requirements. I had no idea there would be a long list of procedures to go through and trainings to complete, but at least none of it is hard...just time consuming! It said in my packet that I will be needing a white lab coat, goggles, and a dissecting kit. Cadaver anatomy here I come! We might want to praying for that too...it should be an experience. I will have my orientation on June 1st and then starting class the very next day on June 2nd. I am very excited to meet my new OT class! I also received an e-mail from the apartment complex in Lubbock with my official apartment number. Things are coming together, and before you know it, I will be on my way to Lubbock!

Here is the front...don't mind the car!

Here is the side...free chair anyone?

Okay just kidding! Those were some of the rougher ones we looked at! As you can see, trying to be cheap can also be a tad scary! Thank goodness I ended up in something a little nicer.

This is my new home!

I hope everyone is having a great Thursday!

Friday, April 9, 2010

This is Nick again! Today I went up to my old high school to visit with my old theatre teachers Mr. Cottom and Mr. Ballew. For those who don't know, the theatre hall at Tomball High School was where I spent the majority of my high school life! Lots of good memories there. I managed to get a copy of a show I was in my senior year (probably my favorite show I was ever in) called "Noises Off!"

There was a movie made back in the 80's with Christopher Reeve, Michael Caine, John Ritter, Carol Burnett, and many other great actors and actresses. Well, I was blessed enough to play Christopher Reeve's character who, as you can see, got to run around with his pants down! It was all great fun. Just wanted to share the good news! One of these days I'll get Katie to actually post in this blog again, I'm sure you're all tired of hearing from me so much. :P

Friday, April 2, 2010

Zoo Day!

Finally! It's the end of the week and I finally get my three day weekend. So, as promised, I am going to post some pictures from Katie and I's Waco extravaganza. Are you still wondering what exactly we did this past weekend? Well, I decided to surprise Katie by taking her out to the Cameron Park Zoo which is actually a pretty legit zoo for a smaller town. Ok, here are the pictures! Enjoy!

Welcome to the zoo!

So that's pretty much it! I hope you enjoyed joining us in our trip to the Cameron Park Zoo!

Oh and I saw my friend Ryan!

The End