"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Just another day in paradise!

Hey there world! This is Nick. I know it's been awhile since Katie and I have updated you on our daily lives and what not, but come on, we are busy students trying to make a living! Geez... :)

Anyways, things have actually been great all around. This is our last week of school before Spring Break! Katie and I won't be seeing much of each other for most of it though, but its for a good cause. She will be traveling up to Lubbock again with her family to find an apartment, hopefully one that isn't too ghetto, and I will be going up to Dallas to spend a much needed week with my wonderful family. This weekend though, Katie and I are going to go see Alice in Wonderland in 3d! I doubt it will be as amazing as Avatar, but I have high hopes none the less. As for my life happenings, I recently injured my Achilles tendon in a freak football accident and I have been somewhat gimp, but I still managed to play in a racquetball tournament last Wednesday and somehow ended up winning second place! So, now that my tendon is slowly starting to heal, I was thinking I would try and mess it up again by playing in another Racquetball tournament being held at A&M on the 20th and 21st of this month. If anyone wants to come out and show some love and support then you are more than welcome!

Well that's about all I have for now. I'm actually posting this at work, procrastinating, and waiting to go to class. So, it would probably be best for me to actually do some real work this morning before my boss walks through! Oh and when you are done reading this, please feed our fish. They're getting hungry. Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fed the fish more than they could ever want :)
