"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Stay Tuned!

Hey there people of the internet world! This is Nick here, and I just wanted to keep everyone on their toes! Katie and I went on quite a marvelous excursion this past Friday to Waco. What we did there I will have to leave to your imagination until I post pictures and details later this week! All I can say is that it involved a meercat, snake charming, and a wonderfully delious snow-cone. I would have posted this wonderful story earlier, but both Katie and I have been swamped since we came back from Spring Break. I've had papers out the wazoo and Katie has had her fair share of reading and tests and what not.

Some exciting news though! Yesterday I got my copy of Legacy's new CD, "Reliant," in the mail. I pre-ordered this CD about 2 months ago and I finally got it! For those of you reading who don't know Legacy, they are an accapella Christian band of 5 extremely wonderful Christian men. Their website is www.legacymusic.net, and you can listen to some of their songs, buy their CD's, and see when and if they are coming to your town anytime soon! I know, I know, its a shameless plug for a band, but these guys are great!!!

Well, that's all I have time for today! Thanks fore reading and stay tuned for the complete story of Katie and I's Waco adventure, complete with pictures!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food Rules

Hello everyone!

As I was sitting here, waiting for Nick and I's homemade macaroni and cheese to finish cooking I began to feel inspired. Spring Break has officially started! Our plans have been uneventful so far, but beginning Monday I will be headed home to see my parents and Nick will be on his way to Dallas. Early Thursday morning, my family and I will be taking a road trip to Lubbock to look for an apartment for the summer. There is a lot of pressure to find the right one, because we will have to sign a lease by Saturday. Talk about rushed!! We are both very excited for the opportunity to spend time with our families though.

This semester I have been taking environmental health and my teacher read an excerpt from Michael Pollan's "Food Rules" the other day. The book consists of a list of various guidelines to follow when trying to eat healthy. They are very enlightening! For example, "Rule #7: Avoid food products containing ingredients a third-grader cannot pronounce." For all of you that know me, these types of books are right up my alley! With all of that said, Lauren and I decided to watch Oprah on Friday and guess what the show was about!? Food 101! One of the featured guests was Michael Pollan himself and I was thrilled as expected. I decided after so many encounters with the book, I should probably buy it for myself. I purchased the book today and I cannot get enough of it.

Needless to say, Nick is not excited about my new endeavor to eat healthy and eat more veggies. In fact, trying to explain to Nick that not every meal has to involve a huge slab of meat has been a chore! We had a minor outburst in the bookstore where Nick exclaimed that "He loves meat and he feels fine eating it for every single meal!" I am sure with more exposure to the idea of eating healthy and cutting fats, he will begin to warm up. We will see...I am expecting more tantrums. I am wasting no time though! We started following some of the rules tonight by having a meatless dinner of mac n' cheese and peas. It was delightful! My goal is for us to become what the book calls "flexatarians." This means that we would only eat small portions of meat two to three times a week. I am sure Nick will fight it every step of the way, but come on! What did he expect when he asked a health major to marry him?

Ok, I am sure all of you are wanting wedding details so hear it is.....we still do not have an official date. We should be figuring this out soon, so hang in there! We are going to get married someday, promise! We were supposed to take our engagement pictures this week, but because College Station has experienced snow, sun, and rain all within the past few weeks the grass is still brown and nothing has bloomed, so we are going to wait a few weeks until the landscape more attractive. I am going tomorrow to find a sun dress or nice shirt for the pictures, so wish me luck and pray that Nick will have patience while we shop!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Just another day in paradise!

Hey there world! This is Nick. I know it's been awhile since Katie and I have updated you on our daily lives and what not, but come on, we are busy students trying to make a living! Geez... :)

Anyways, things have actually been great all around. This is our last week of school before Spring Break! Katie and I won't be seeing much of each other for most of it though, but its for a good cause. She will be traveling up to Lubbock again with her family to find an apartment, hopefully one that isn't too ghetto, and I will be going up to Dallas to spend a much needed week with my wonderful family. This weekend though, Katie and I are going to go see Alice in Wonderland in 3d! I doubt it will be as amazing as Avatar, but I have high hopes none the less. As for my life happenings, I recently injured my Achilles tendon in a freak football accident and I have been somewhat gimp, but I still managed to play in a racquetball tournament last Wednesday and somehow ended up winning second place! So, now that my tendon is slowly starting to heal, I was thinking I would try and mess it up again by playing in another Racquetball tournament being held at A&M on the 20th and 21st of this month. If anyone wants to come out and show some love and support then you are more than welcome!

Well that's about all I have for now. I'm actually posting this at work, procrastinating, and waiting to go to class. So, it would probably be best for me to actually do some real work this morning before my boss walks through! Oh and when you are done reading this, please feed our fish. They're getting hungry. Thanks!