"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Friday, January 21, 2011

Count on the Cats

I came home Thursday afternoon to find this laying on the floor.

Looks strangely like my bath puff huh? Well because it is! Someone *cough* Slink had managed to get into the shower and snatch up my bath puff as a new play toy. Now if you know me, my cats are in no way lacking toys. In fact, they happen to be scattered EVERYWHERE around the house! It is a tad ridiculous to be honest. I refused to use the new toy with the cats for a day or so, but I just could not resist. They love it! (Probably more than any cat toy I have actually spent money on). So, needless to say, the cats have a new toy...I am without a bath puff...but hey the cats are having a blast!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Here comes the bride...mark your calendars for the last time!

Welp the wedding date has changed...for the very last time! Nick and I were so confident that the date we set last summer would be the one, but after receiving a new schedule for OT school we had to change it. The original dates we were given have changed...meaning I now start fieldwork on June 11th, 2012. Being that the wedding was supposed to be on the night of June 8th, 2012 we opted to reschedule it for an earlier date to allow for plenty of time for the honeymoon! The new wedding date is June 1st, 2012 at 7pm. Mark your calendars! I am so relieved that we were able to reschedule. After receiving the new school calendar on Thursday (and freaking out just a tad!), I made a few frantic phone calls, one to Nick and one to my mother. After discussing everything and talking to Nick's family, June 1st seemed to be the best date. Even after deciding this, I continued to worry because I just knew that we would call the venue and they would say something like, " Oh, sorry we are booked!" or "Well, it looks like we only have dates after June 8th." Thankfully this is not the response we received, but the venue did inform us that they already have six weddings booked in June 2012, so we are lucky to have gotten the date we needed. No worries,though, Nick and I will be getting married just slightly earlier then planned!

On another note, Nick and I decided to work on a small project today. I recently refilled the bird feeder, and with all of the nice weather, I have been opening the screen door for the cats to go outside. They love it, but I always get nervous that they are going to jump off. Solution: put up a screen! This seemed like a genius idea to both Nick and I, so off we went to Lowes. After about 30 minutes..tada we had a screened in balcony for the kitties. The cats loved it! They could go outside, the birds could eat out of the bird feeder right above them, and Nick and I could enjoy peace and quiet in the house. I love it! Here are a few pictures...

The kitties longing to go outside before the project

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Well Hello 2011!

So Nick and I are officially back in Lubbock from our Christmas break. Ironically, Nick and I did not really get to see each other very much over the break, so it is nice to be back. Nick spent the majority of his Christmas in Tennessee with his mom and sisters. I am so glad he was able to spend Christmas there and guess what!? He had a white Christmas! I will have to get some pictures off of his camera, but from what I saw, it was absolutely beautiful! I spent Christmas in Magnolia, and then I went to Missouri to see my grandpa for about a week. Before Nick left for Tennessee we met with photographers for the wedding. We met with four different photographers, all with different photography styles. Nick and I both loved the first photographers we met with. They are two sisters in Spring, TX that have done numerous weddings together. Their pictures were absolutely beautiful! We also clicked with their personalities. We spent about an hour sitting and talking with them. Although we loved them from the start, we kept looking, but we ultimately decided to book them! It feels so nice to have the venue and photographer booked! The next thing on the list is to start looking for a wedding dress! This will probably happen in August when I am home from school. As Nick and I were running around doing wedding stuff, we realized that we have been engaged for a year! Time really does fly, and I cannot wait for June of next year.

With the new year, Nick and I will begin attending Greenlawn Church of Christ (where Nick will be the summer intern). We have been going to a different church in Lubbock, but we want to start bonding witih the kids at Greenlawn before the summer begins. Before leaving for Christmas break, we went to a winter retreat with Greenlawn. It was slightly intimdiating due to the amount of kids there, and the fact that Nick and I did not know anyone. The girls in my cabin were all really sweet and I cannot wait to get to know them more over the summer. Nick and I also hung out with a few youth kids that we met during the mixer. We ended up going on a hike/rock climb. Since Nick loves rock climbing, this was right up his alley! I, however, am apparently scared of heights. I am not okay with crawling along side of rocky hills and climbing up rocks with out cables. The boys said they were on a mission to find this big rusty can...sounds rivating right? Well here it is! At least we documented our hard work!

Nick got a thorn stuck in his hiney!