"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Saturday, October 16, 2010

So Nick is basically famous!

So I have been trying to post the video of Nick's Best Friend's Sampler Performance for LCU's parent's weekend, BUT after an hour I got an error message. Sad I know! So I am just going to post the link. Just copy and paste it and hopefully it will take you to the right place.


DISCLAIMER: I accidently covered the microphone on the camera for the second song, so it sounds muffled. I promise it sounded WAY better than that in person! Hang in there though, because it only lasts for a minute or so.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Getting a family fix

Being in Lubbock away from my family has always been hard for me, but it becomes even harder when I have a rough week. Well that rough week happened last week. Between three tests and three assignments, my head was spinning by just Wednesday. After a phone call home, it was apparent that what I needed was my family. Thankfully, I have wonderful parents and a last minute trip to Abilene was planned! Nick and I met my parents in Abilene that Saturday. We had an eventful, fun filled weekend! We went to the Abilene zoo Saturday morning and then went back to the hotel and played ping pong, fusball, and pool. I had no idea that ping pong would get so intense! We quickly found out that Nick has an amazingly low serve that is almost unbeatable and that my mom is the queen of smashing the ball onto the table. After all of this we decided to try a local restaurant called Little Italy. It was definitely one of those cases where you do not want to judge a book by it's cover. The place was located in a shopping center and had an immense amount of neon signs advertising it's presence. The food was amazing, though!! The pasta was homeade and all of the sauces were rich and delicious! We were all stuffed! So if you are ever in Abilene and craving good Italian food...Little Italy is your place. After leaving on Sunday, I instantly felt rejuvinated. It is amazing what a little family time can do! It is amazing how the things your parents do seem to rub off on you. I realized as Nick and I were on our way home (and I was searching for an ice cream place to stop at), that Nick and I always stop for ice cream on roadtrips. Guess who else does this? My parents! Ever since I can remember, my family has always stopped for ice cream when we go on a long trip. The only difference between what Nick and I do is that we don't neccessarily need a "long trip." We really only need about an hour drive to classify our trip as an official road trip, thus making an ice cream stop neccessary.

This weekend, Nick's Dad and Lori will be in Lubbock for parent's weekend. Nick will be performing with his singing group, Best Friends. I have never seen an official performance, so I am really excited to watch them on Saturday! Oh, and because I am not sure Nick will announce this...he was chosen to sing the solo in one of the Reliant K songs that Best Friends will be singing! This is the solo he was wanting, so I am very proud of him. He has a wonderful voice, and it will be a blessing to hear the group perform this weekend.