"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm taking over!

So I decided last night that I will probably be the only one able to post on the blog this summer...so I am taking over! Notice the new layout and picture! I think it is wonderful, but I am sure when Nick realizes that "our" blog has been "bedazzled" he will be surprised to say the least. Oh well it will be fun while it lasts! Enjoy the pretty, girly backgrounds everyone!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Brain Break

I had my first anatomy test last week and it went well! I feel like I have a full time job studying for anatomy, but thankfully I only have 7 more weeks (yes I am counting down). I did come to the conclusion last week, during a study break, that life would be much easier as a cat. I looked up from my books to see them lounging and living a carefree life. The pictures below will explain exactly why this seems so appealing...

This weekend my mom is coming into town! I am really excited to see her because this going a whole month without seeing family is not working for me. I will also have Nick here for the 4th of July weekend. We will be celebrating by having a cookout and watching fireworks on the lake with some of my friends from OT school. I had no idea that Lubbock had any lakes, but we will see what they call a lake here...I am thinking it will be more like a pond, either way hanging out with everyone should be a blast!

And just because I need to vent for a second...somehow I have managed to end up with rapper, gangster, drinking type neighbors AGAIN! I am convinced that I have the worst luck! My freshmen year of college I had the same issue and when I called the courtesy cop for a noise complaint, the guy ended up getting arrested because he had a warrant for something worse than noise. Needless to say I think I will have issues with this my whole life (sigh). I mean the reason I moved into my apartment complex now because is because it is a complex where a lot of young families and older people live. Apparently I just thought I could break the curse...boy was I wrong! It seems the only young, partying individual in this place resides in the apartment right next to me. This has presented a few issues because I need a quiet atmosphere to study and sleep (like most normal people do), so I have had to call the courtesy cop twice. The office told me next time I call, he will be evicted so he is hanging by his last thread! I have never considered myself to be a hard person to live next too, but I have a small fuse for noise. We will see how it goes, though. I haven't heard a sound from him in the last week, so things may be looking up!

On the other hand, I feel it neccessary to announce that Nick is still alive and doing great in Whitney! I would elaborate more, but, well I don't know anything else! He is extremely busy, so hopefully I can get a play by play of what happened this summer in August when his internship ends. I do know that he is at church camp right now as a counselor. This week is the junior high kids camp and next week is high school age kids. Nick has to stay for both sessions so I am sure he will be exhausted when he arrives in Lubbock for the 4th of July. The boy will need some sleep for sure! I did get the opportunity to have dinner with his Aunt Donna and Emily this Tuesday, though, and we had a great time! Emily is coming to Texas Tech this Fall, and I have already planned for us to have dinner at my apartment at least a few times a month (I will have to let her know of these plans, of course). I am excited for her to be here and I know Nick is even more excited! Well that seems to be all for now. I hope everyone is having a great summer!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Don't forget to take a deep breath

So life has been absolutely crazy since the last post! Two weeks ago I moved to Lubbock and Nick went on his merry way to Whitney, TX. He is doing a great job as an intern there and is having a great time with all of the kids! He recently designed a t-shirt for the youth group, so I will try and hassle him to put a picture up of the design.

Since I moved to Lubbock a week early, I was a worried about what I was going to do to occupy myself, but thankfully my wonderful friends came to the rescue! Jen and Becca drove up to Lubbock and stayed for about 5 days. It was so much fun to have them here! We explored Lubbock and even went to New Mexico to see Roswell.

They left the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, but I was not alone for long. Nick and I met in Abilene Sunday night and spent some time together. It was really nice to see him and we treasured every moment because I may not see him agian until August. We basically found everything to do in Abilene that was free. We went to the mall, to the park, and even on a self directed tour of ACU. Unfortunately, on the way back my 2 and a half hour drive to Lubbock turned into a 4 and a half hours because I missed my exit...another reason I should probably get a GPS.

As far as my life goes at the moment...oh wait I don't have one! I started classes at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center on Tuesday, and I haven't been able to breath since. I am taking three classes, two focused on Occupational Therapy and an anatomy class where we dissect cadeavers. I was a little bit concerned about dissecting a human, but so far I have been fine in the lab (no passing out, feeling faint, or even needing to sit down). My lab group is all boys, which makes for an interesting lab session everyday, but they have turned out to be a great group! We will be dissecting all summer, and we have lecture every day for 2 and a half hours. It is definitely exhausting! I have met a lot of girls in the MOT program, but I have become really close with about five of them. We have formed a study group, which I was a little weary about because I have never felt like I benefited from group study, but I am warming up to the idea. It is amazing what a motivated group of girls can get done...nothing like undergraduate groups which usually consist of a little study and a lot of chatting. We met today and studied for 3 hours together, making charts and talking through all of the muscle functions. This is going to be a tough summer, but thankfully I am not working so I can devote every bit of free time I have to school. I may not be posting very much thoughout the summer because of how busy I am, but I will make sure Nick updates everyone on how things are going!