"If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:2

Thursday, February 25, 2010


So last Sunday Jennifer, my roommates, and I went to our Hospitality Class. For those who do not know, this is a class provided by some very sweet ladies at our church. Each week we rotate houses and make the menu item for that night and then we all eat together. It is wonderful and it has been a great opportunity to get to know many of the ladies from our church. With all this said, we ate outside! Yes enjoying dinner outside on Sunday and playing in the snow on Tuesday....that is Texas for you! It started to snow around 2pm on Tuesday, right when I was about to leave work. I decided to practice my driving skills and go grocery shopping with all of the other inexperienced drivers. Don't worry the whole operation was a success! Later that day I met up with Jen and Alyssa for some good ole' snow play. We went to the Bonfire Memorial because there are actually hills out there and a very large field, perfect for building snowmen. We also went sledding. Jennifer had the amazing idea of using her car visor and it worked great. One of the girls out there had an adorable puppy that you will see in the video. It kept trying to bite our sled, it was precious! I wanted to stay out there forever. It is amazing how 32 degree weather suddenly feels bearable when snow is falling. Here are some pictures and a video from our adventure.

Playing in the snow!

Snow Angel (all fun and games until your pants get soaked!)

This is Becky, our snowoman!

Alyssa, Jennifer, and me

This weekend Lauren and Riley (roommate and boyfriend) will be coming to my house to ride horses and attend a crawfish boil. I am praying that the weather stays nice! Oh and since this a blog about Katie AND Nick, I guess I should throw something in about him :) Nick had a little bit of snow in Tomball, but nothing compared to College Station. We are really looking forward to enjoying the snow together in Lubbock.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snowflakes, Coffee Dates, and Denzel Washington

Good afternoon everyone! This is Nick here, sorry for the long gap between posts! So this past week has been quite the eventful one! For starters, Katie almost adopted yet another cat, and for some reason, I almost let her. The kitten's name was Ramona and what really sold me was the fact the she had two different colored eyes: one blue and one gold.

She was very sweet and playful, but thankfully she was adopted into a loving home.

Katie and I celebrated our first Valentine's Day as an engaged couple on Thursday. We went to this Italian restaurant in College Station called Cafe Capri, and after dinner we had a little coffee date at Starbucks. It was raining all night long, but as we were leaving Starbucks, we noticed that the rain had turned into sleet! It was a little frustrating to walk outside and get pelted in the face with ice, but it quickly became worth the pain when it started snowing! That's right, snow, in Texas, in February. So much for global warming. Huge snowflakes were coming down and actually accumulating on cars and the roads. Katie, Lauren, Riley, and I also went to go see the Book of Eli that night, which was an action packed, crazy-good movie. I love Denzel Washington and this movie makes you want to really memorize scripture, just in case there is a massive nuclear fallout.

So the rest of this weekend has just been pretty chill, and after 3 days of procrastinating, I finally got around to posting. Katie and I are still searching for venues for our wedding, and I think we've narrowed it down to two or three possible locations for a venue. Unfortunately, Disney World isn't looking like it will work out, but I think Katie might have sold me on what looks to be a great deal for a cruise for our honeymoon. More to come on that soon!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Where Dreams Come True

So this weekend Nick and I were talking to my parents about wedding plans including location, reception, etc and my mother mentioned how much easier it would be to have a destination wedding. Of course I jumped all over this and where did I look first? Walt Disney World! I have to admit Nick has had this idea before, and I struck it down for some reason, but not this time! We started doing some research, and all of the wedding options looked absolutely gorgeous. I fell in love! Nick has recently been requesting that we look into having our honeymoon at Disney World, so having our destination wedding there would be perfect! They plan the majority of your wedding, and the thought of just showing up in my wedding dress ready to go sounds amazing to me. Not to mention, the whole idea is just magical! What girl doesn't want her own fairy tale? There is one minor problem though...the guest list. You can only have 20 guests. After talking about it with Nick, we decided that a small family wedding would be fine (especially if we were at Disney World!). We made a tentative guest list, but nothing is final. I am going to talk to the wedding coordinator at Disney and figure out all of the small details this week. Just emphasize again...all of this is tentative and we are still considering the traditional church wedding. I have to say, though, the possibility of a Disney wedding makes my heart beat faster. I have not been this excited about planning a wedding until now! Nick and I will be doing a lot of thinking, planning, and praying about this. Whether at Disney World or at a church, I know our wedding will be wonderful! Just in case you were wondering what a Disney Wedding would look like, here are a few pictures.

Wedding Pavillion

The pavillion is on it's own island

We would arrive in a horse drawn carriage...by Nick's request!

As we think about all of this, we are also working on getting our engagement pictures taken. I have been calling people right and left and I have to say, I never realized how expensive photographers can be! After exhausting myself this last week, Nick and I were sitting in church when a business card fell out of my bible. The card was for a photographer in College Station...perfect right? I am guessing I picked it up some time last semester, just in case. It is amazing how God will give you what you need at the exact time you need it! I immediately called the lady, and she seemed very nice and her prices were reasonable. Nick and I are going to meet her this Friday at the studio to review more of her pictures and talk about engagement picture options. I am praying that this photographer is the one because I don't know if there are any photographers left to call in the area. Hopefully all goes well!